Almost every Monday for more than 30 years, Lester’s “students” gathered with him to draw and paint. He often wrote something thought provoking with a black felt tip marker on a piece of mat board for these artists to consider. Many of them are copied here. Some are his original thoughts and some are not. The author’s name is included when it was written on the mat board. Those with no attribution may be Lester’s own thoughts – or not! These quotes were transcribed from the original pieces of mat board by his dear friend, Becky Dietrich, who painted with Lester all those years. Reliance on one’s own judgment is the best way. ABANDON immediately, completely AND FOREVER The beauty we seek exists only in the mind: the eye never beheld it, The source of your inspiration for a painting is not of any importance CRITICS: A critic’s opinion about a painting describes more The mental development of an individual and his way of PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SITTER. Distances across the canvas are generally very nearly correct, The good things grow better. I can build a boat...with my own hands!...every stick of it! Why do we like the sea? As soon as a painter begins to write about pictures, or talk about There are many dangers in LIFE-SCHOOLS--the prizewinners seldom TECHNIQUE: Do everything in your power to avoid developing a TECHNIQUE! Representation in Art is an activity of the associative and synthetic BEAUTY needs no justification! MY PAINTINGS ARE THE BEST! No other can equal them! Maudie liked her marzipan You cannot lead a Calvary charge if you think you look funny riding a horse! Hardly anything is as important as a person’s genuine interest. The opportunity to do something great occurs only seldom -- ON THE LIMITS OF LANGUAGE DRAW as CAREFULLY as you CAN! Relative to ART..... ONLY your own personal thoughts and discoveries are VALID! All else is hearsay! The beauty we acknowledge in a picture is not necessarily You may think your painting represents the scene you had in mind. Neither accuracy of drawing - nor beauty or truth of coloring - On Remembering the Struggle What is “QUALITY” in a painting? Have you noticed -- that when you lose an article a SECOND time - OLD AGE IS NOT FOR SISSIES! A painting is ALWAYS IMPERFECT On the Recognition of Beauty---- Fear not the influence of others on your work. Don’t wait until you are ready---GO! The pain and uncertainty you feel in striving to do something fine Happiness comes not from being entertained but from accomplishment. Happiness comes not from being loved, but from loving. Ambition Genius CHARM in a painting, as in other things, is arrived at more thru the HEART! |
For a larger view of the paintings, please visit the gallery page. |
Lester Jay Stone 2003. the written consent of Lester Jay Stone. |